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Preparatory School (Ages 3 - 11)

Prep Accreditations

This achievement reflects the exceptional quality of education provided by Sherborne Qatar and demonstrates our commitment to excellence.

BSO inspection

The BSO inspection is a voluntary assessment system established by the UK's Department for Education to evaluate British schools overseas. It covers various key areas, including the curriculum, teaching and learning, the spiritual and moral development of pupils, and the school's leadership.

Prep school accreditations

The inspection also acknowledged the well-enriched curriculum that supports all pupils, consistent high-quality teaching that creates memorable learning experiences, and the nurturing environment that allows every pupil to thrive.

We are immensely proud of these strengths identified in the inspection report.

Read the detailed Inspection Report | PDF | 499KB

The outstanding outcome of the BSO inspection reinforces our dedication to providing an exceptional British education at Sherborne Qatar Preparatory Schools.

British education, worldwide opportunities!

Our Accreditations